2021 Jenny Melton Golf Tournament
The Southeastern Chapter of IAEE is a proud supporter of the Jenny Melton Memorial Golf Tournament. This year, the tournament will be hosted by the Jenny Melton Foundation on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. We hope you continue to support the Foundation and their efforts to provide scholarships to deserving students.
The IAEE SE Chapter would like to congratulate Anthony Salvadori, the recipient of the 2021 Jenny Melton Scholarship. Anthony is the son of IAEE SE Chapter member Jennifer Salvadori and will be attending Georgia Southern in the fall.
Sponsorship Opportunties & Door Prizes:
There are sponsorship opportunities available. Please click here if you are interested in contributing as a sponsor. Also, If you would like to donate a door prize or volunteer to help at the tournament, please contact Kathy Rhodes via email at kathy@theassociationgroup.com. We look forward to your participation.
Golfing Schedule (Tuesday, August 31st):
- 8:30 am - Registration
- 10:00 am - Shotgun Start
- 12:00 pm - Lunch as you golf
- 4:30 pm - 19th Hole Reception, Dinner, Prizes, and Awards
Pricing (click register below):
- Individual Golfers: $150/ea
- Foursome: $560
Registration includes golf, range balls, cart, 2 drink tickets, breakfast, lunch & awards reception/dinner.
Personal golf carts are available upon request with seven-day advance notice.